I am always on the look out for a new website to earn money from, so when I first heard about the PingPong Research Site I knew that I had to give it a try. In this post I am going to share my experiences with them including my payment proof. Who are PingPong? The PingPong Research Site is a company who get users like you and I to give feedback on a company's product, … [Read more...]
Proofreading: I Want to Make $50 a Week. (Update – Week 3: I Did It!!!)
. I did it! I reached my target! Squee! This is my third attempt at my $50-a-week target. First week, I made $33.00. Second week, I came so close to making it, but ended up with $41.22. But this week, mama was a beast! Mama was a rottweiler! Target reached with a couple days to spare. :) Again, as mentioned in a previous post or two, I think it helps that I'm a … [Read more...]
Clixsense Update: Three Payments This Month So Far!
In my last post, I mentioned I wanted to make $50 this month on Clixsense. Weeeell, I'm about halfway there ($24.72)! At this rate, I should hit my target by the end of the month (hopefully. fingers and ears crossed.) Proof of Payment... I made it all without referrals. Schomeone please pat me on the back :). *chuckle!* Not that referrals aren't welcome, though … [Read more...]