(UPDATE - May 2017: Sadly, the proofreading company's closing down this month. For those who applied and were successful, I hope it was a good source of income for you.) Do you feel you have a good grasp of English grammar/flow with an eye for spotting typos? Do you tend to be on the computer/internet quite a lot? Well, hello there! *waves* *schmiles* I've been doing … [Read more...]
2016: Total Online Earnings
So, I had a feeling I'd made more in 2016 than the previous year. And I was right! 2015, my total was $1811.95. 2016, my total was $3173.11! Reason for my lower earnings in 2015 is I lost interest in proofreading work. Looking at my 2015 spreadsheet, there were six months in which, from month to month, my proofreading earnings were either very low or zero. I put … [Read more...]
Online Earnings: November/December 2016
I was away for part of November and December. Though I planned to work while away, I knew I wouldn't make as much as I could in November. December was more challenging (and frustrating) as I didn't have reliable internet access for about three weeks. As such, I made $180.71 in November and $166.38 in December. Earnings Breakdown: Nov ($180.71) (any amount in brackets is … [Read more...]
Online Earnings: October 2016
. I'm happy with what I made in October: $379.73. It's my second highest-earning month. The highest was in September ($641.80), but half of that was because I won some money (though proofreading made up a big chunk too - $250.62). Of the $379.73 I made last month, $278.70 was from proofreading. That's the most I've made from proofreading this year, and the year … [Read more...]
Online Earnings: September 2016
. September was a bittersweet month. It was my highest-earning month, but a personally challenging one. Anyway, onto the earnings. I made $641.80! That's the most I've made in a month this year - in fact, it's been about five years since I have. A sizable amount of that is due to a meaty slot win. I'm not usually lucky with slots, but I won £250 from a £10 or £20 deposit … [Read more...]