I hardly use Clixsense now. The particular Crowdflower tasks I used to do there have become temperamental. It’s also become unpredictable as to when they actually appear. So it’s just as well I’d lost my Clixsense mojo anyway before this happened.
Completing surveys is one of the other ways to earn there. I mentioned in a previous post that I was gonna attempt some, but it’s really not in me. Surveys aren’t my thing. I make the occasional change from Pinecone Research and one or two others, but that’s it.
I have $3.84 sitting in my account, so I might attempt to do enough to reach the minimum payout ($8.00), but after that, it’s a Clixsense sabbatical for me.
The other reason why I have less of an interest in using Clixsense is because I recently came across Crowdflower Elite, which is Crowdflower’s task hub. I find there are some tasks there that are similar to what I find on Clixsense, plus it pays better, plus the minimum cashout’s $2.00, via PayPal, and pays soon after you request it.
Some of Crowdflower Elite’s tasks can be just as buggy and unpredictable as their tasks that Clixsense hosts. Currently, there are several tasks that I’m unable to complete for that reason. However, Elite seems to be the better of the two (for me), owing to its higher rate per task and lower minimum payout.
What a difference a couple of weeks can make. Mama got herself another proofreading gig!
I found it at Digital Point forums.
Now, for me, DP forum’s Services section died a death a while ago, but I just happened upon this gig.
Been doing it for about three weeks now – proofreading blog posts. Thanks to that, it’s set to push my total for this month to over $300, which is the total I was aiming for last month, but didn’t reach it. It will also make it the most I’ve made online in a month this year.
I’m not as active with the other proofreading gig (the proofreading site) because the new gig requires a bit more of my time, but I’ve made about $30 there so far.
So that’s me!
Laters, y’all :).
Miss Eb.
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