(UPDATE – May 2017: Sadly, the proofreading company’s closing down this month. For those who applied and were successful, I hope it was a good source of income for you.)
Do you feel you have a good grasp of English grammar/flow with an eye for spotting typos? Do you tend to be on the computer/internet quite a lot?
Well, hello there! *waves* *schmiles*
I’ve been doing proofreading work that’s been making me some part-time income. I love reading, so it’s the perfect side hustle.
I joined the site in question in June 2014 and since then, I’ve made over $3000.
I log on when I want, and can work from anywhere with an internet connection (I got to test this out late last year when I travelled to the US and Africa).
It’s very much a part-time income. In the time I’ve been using it, the most I’ve made in a month is $366, and that’s because an additional proofreading role was created (which no longer exists).
Take away that role, the most I’ve made in a month is $250.
I’m pretty much on the computer all day, so the work suits me. I can do it alongside other stuff.
The workflow isn’t constant; there are busy times and there are quiet times. However, the site mentions when the busy times are likely to be.
I can’t truly quantify the time I spend for the money I get (though I’ve tried), because the workflow isn’t constant. All I know is that, most times, I’m able to cash out $10 by the end of the day, and sometimes $20. I, however, don’t spend all day on it. If I’m logged on and work comes in, I do it (if I want to), then do other things ’til something else comes.
More info about the site…
I have a post (password protected) that goes into detail about the site including screenshots, proof of payments received, and tips.
If you’d like to access the post, please send a PayPal payment of $3.00 to me (at) getpaidtofart (dot) com, then email me for the password. (* Price goes up to $5.00 from Jan 21st).
I have to reiterate: because it’s proofreading/light editing, your English has to be pretty good. If you’re not confident that it is, please don’t waste your money.
If you’re interested and feel you’re qualified, what you’ll be paying for is:
– the information/knowledge I share about the site.
– the time I put into writing the post (over 1500 words) and putting screenshots together.
– further support I may be able to offer you if the site accepts you.
What you are not paying for is:
– a guarantee you’ll be accepted by the site when you apply. I cannot guarantee that.
The information shared in the password-protected post is unique…
I’m yet to come across a write-up about the site, or indeed one from a worker’s perspective.
If you have questions, please leave a comment below.
(UPDATE – Feb 2017: It’s recently come to my attention that you need a CV/resume to join the site. This wasn’t the case when I joined back in 2014. I only had to take a short test. Please bear this in mind and have a resume handy.)
Peace and pizza(z)… 🙂
Miss Eb.
is the site mturk?